Right then, it’s Year 6 and everybody is talking to you about interviews for this and that. This is about the age when these things start and interviews are a skill set that we keep building throughout our lives. So what actually is an ‘interview’?
An interview is a conversation with someone in which you exchange information to see if you are a good match!
Easy peasy, interview squeezy, huh?
Well, we at Sammie Allen Tutoring know that interviews can be daunting at the best of times and it’s likely that if a student is hoping to attend a private school that an interview is almost guaranteed. Here is an interview busting guide so that we needn’t be nervous or go into it unprepared.
First we need to consider that we want to put our best foot forward in the interview, which means telling the truth, but making sure that we talk about why we are a good fit for the school and that our loveliest features shine through.
Next, let’s look at questions we might be asked, things to think about (or note down beforehand to revise) and how to be ready for absolutely anything!
Now, you may not be asked all of these but we are making sure we leave no stone unturned. (If you don’t know, don’t worry! We recommend you plan to ask someone and find out.)
The Questions…
Introducing yourself - “So, tell me a bit about yourself…”
Where you live (town/city/countryside)
What your parents do for work
What do you do for fun? (Stay away from TV and video games; focus on ways you have fun with others or on more intellectual or creative activities that you pursue beyond the classroom. Eg. sports, art, writing etc.)
Where you go to school and how long you have been at school there
What makes you laugh?
Strengths and Weaknesses - “What are your strengths/weaknesses?”
Are you a good communicator?
A thoughtful problem solver?
An effective leader?
Then, whichever description you decide on, back it up with some examples.
About your current school - “What is your school like?”
How many students/boarding school/day school (Ask if you don’t know!)
What one thing would you change about your current school?
What subjects do you enjoy most?
Which subjects do you least enjoy?
How would your parents/teachers describe you in three words?
What have you done recently to contribute to your school community?
Charities and committees - “Have you been part of any…”
What are your hobbies/interests outside school?
Be prepared to really speak in detail about these. (Eg. not just naming them, but expand on them to tell the interviewer how you are involved, how often and when?)
What do you like to do in your spare time?( sponsored things, clubs and committees)
Favourite book - “What is you favourite book to read?”
Make sure it’s a book you’ve read and know about.
What do you love about it?
Who is the main character?
Who is your favourite character?
Describe (in short) your favourite scene in the book.
Expressing opinions - “ What do you think about…”
What do you think are the qualities of a good teacher?
Who is your favourite teacher at your current school?
Does a good teacher lead to enjoyment of a subject?
What do you do if you are finding an activity difficult in class?
Current affairs - “Tell me about something you’ve heard about that is going on in the world”
Make sure you are aware of some of the top stories of what is happening in the news. (UK, Europe and Worldwide).
Do you listen to the news or watch the news on TV or on the Internet?
Turning the tables - “Do you have any questions for me?”
Review the school website and ask about something you have seen that is different from your current school.
Look for things they do at the school that you are passionate about! Think of a question around this.
Top tips and other considerations…
Practice, Practice, Practice! We suggest that you do at least one practice interview with an adult who is not your parent so you can get used to it.
Presentation is Key. Make sure you are dressed smart and have everything you will need with you.
Things Not To Say. Make sure you know the things you shouldn’t say in a formal interview. (Silly jokes, or inappropriate answers to questions)
Ask Questions.
Mum and Dad, Don't Forget to Prepare for the Parent Interview!
Have a good night's sleep and breakfast! Make sure you are energised and ready for the day.